Caring Community

Our TBS Caring Community is here to meet your needs

Our Temple B’nai Shalom Caring Community Committee is committed to supporting our members during times of need.  Helping others is a simple yet profound way to live our Jewish values.  Sometimes we need help; other times we can offer help.  Our program is centered on Jewish values – such as bikum cholim, the Jewish tradition of visiting the sick or the elderly – and is based on the development of trusting, positive relationships in which we give and receive care, assistance, and acknowledgment during the most difficult and sometimes even during the most wonderful moments in our lives.

With the assistance of our wonderful committee members and temple volunteers, we offer support, connection, and outreach when we:

~Bring a meal

~Provide a ride

~We assist members who need on-going support in many different ways

~Send a card

~Drive a congregant to services

~Make a phone call

In congregations both large and small, members often note that when they were sick, no one seemed to know or provide help; when they were caring for a chronically ill family member, they felt isolated and forgotten; when they were home with a small infant, no one noticed they did not come to services; when they were bereaved, no one called or visited after the shivah. (from the URJ website)

At TBS, we “pay it forward.”  The beneficiary of a good deed repays it to others (instead of to the original benefactor).  Here’s how:

  1. Be attentive for opportunities to help someone.
  2. Do something nice for someone you don’t know, or don’t know very well.
  3. Spread the word.  If the person thanks you and wants to “repay” you (that is, “pay it back”), let them know that what you’d really like is for them to “pay it forward”—you’d like them to do something nice for someone else.

We can be a support to you when you need our support and we need your help to support others , too!

Do you need help?

Do you have help to give?

Please contact: or 703-764-2901

Heneini, here I am.