Facebook Post by Rabbi Perlin in the Time of Coronavirus (5/1/2020) Friday Post 5.1.20 : Torah Troubles this Shabbat by Amy R. Perlin, D.D. Leviticus 19:17 “You shall not hate your kinsman in your heart. Reprove...more May 1, 2020
Facebook Post by Rabbi Perlin in the Time of Coronavirus (4/30/2020) Thursday Post 4.30.20: Being There by Rabbi Amy R. Perlin, D.D. One of my favorite two words of the Torah are found in Exodus 24:12:...more April 30, 2020
Facebook Post by Rabbi Perlin in the Time of Coronavirus (4/29/2020) Wednesday Post 4.29.20: Double Double Chai by Rabbi Amy R. Perlin, D.D. She was eight when I was born. And four months later she was...more April 29, 2020
Facebook Post by Rabbi Perlin in the Time of Coronavirus (4/28/2020) Tuesday Post 4.28.20/4 Iyyar 5780: Yom HaZikaron by Rabbi Amy R. Perlin, D.D. It is on my calendar and in my heart. The day before...more April 28, 2020
Facebook Post by Rabbi Perlin in the Time of Coronavirus (4/27/2020) Monday Post 4.27.20: Snacks by Rabbi Amy R. Perlin, D.D. We live on five acres of woods. It is great in a pandemic to be...more April 27, 2020
Facebook Post by Rabbi Perlin in the Time of Coronavirus (4/26/2020) Sunday Post 4.26.20: The Amy in the House by Rabbi Amy R. Perlin, D.D. The sun did not shine; It was too wet to pray,...more April 26, 2020
Facebook Post by Rabbi Perlin in the Time of Coronavirus (4/24/2020) Friday Post 4.24.20: Dear Leviticus, “I’m Sorry.” by Rabbi Amy R. Perlin, D.D. Dear Leviticus, I am writing to apologize for four decades of disparaging...more April 25, 2020
Facebook Post by Rabbi Perlin in the Time of Coronavirus (4/23/2020) Thursday Post 4.23.20 -- Four Love Stamps Left by Rabbi Amy R. Perlin, D.D. I only have four LOVE stamps left and that is a...more April 23, 2020
Facebook Post by Rabbi Perlin in the Time of Coronavirus (4/22/2020) Wednesday Post 4.22.20: EARTH DAY 2020 by Rabbi Amy R. Perlin, D.D. When one of my boys was in first grade, his class was dealing...more April 22, 2020
Facebook Post by Rabbi Perlin in the Time of Coronavirus (4/21/2020) Tuesday Post 4.21.20: Democracy Dies in Darkness by Rabbi Amy R. Perlin, D.D. Not a word. I read the entire #Washington Post, cover to...more April 21, 2020