Occupy…Yourself (July KOL)

Fri, June 29, 2012

Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi said,

If you are alone on a journey, you should occupy yourself with Torah…

If you have a headache, you should occupy yourself with Torah…

If you have a sore throat, you should occupy yourself with Torah…

If you have a pain in your bones, you should occupy yourself with Torah…

If your entire body is in pain, you should occupy yourself with Torah…

Talmud Eruvin 54a

At a time when many individuals in our nation have decided to occupy parks and public places in protest, we have come to think of the word “occupy” as a negative word of takeover and rebellion.  What I love about language is the fact that it offers us lessons and wisdom with a simplicity that encourages us to think and grow.  The Talmud has a different concept for the world “occupy” as our text from tractate Eruvin indicates.  For the Talmud, “occupy” is about how we fill our time, not our space.  And the answer to the question — “How shall we fill our time when we lie and when we get up, in sickness or in health, alone or on our way?” — is Torah.  Filling our lives with Torah is the way to overcome everything from loneliness to aches and pains.

Torah is a broad concept for Jews.  It can be study or prayer, the words of Moses or the social justice of our Reform Movement.  Torah can be mitzvot or menschlachkeit, making peace or making meaning.  Occupying ourselves with Torah offers us an alternative to the other distractions of our day.  You will not remember the text you sent on your iPhone or Blackberry today, but you will remember the text you study from the Torah at age thirteen or thirty, forever.

Torah is more than a distraction. It calls us to be our best selves and it reminds us that our best Jewish self exists only in community.   Even when we are alone, the text reminds us that we are part of something greater.  Even when we are in pain, there is a tradition of suffering and survival that can offer us strength.

We are open all summer.  Every Shabbat, both Friday and Saturday, we will occupy ourselves with Torah and prayer, study and community.  It is a great plan for how to spend some of your summer.  Thank you for belonging, engaging, giving, caring, and occupying yourself with Torah.  Together we are better and richer, wiser and happier than any of us would be alone.

I hope to see you this month:

July 6th– Family Service – Rabbi Cameron’s first Shabbat with us – PreK/K/1stgraders Shabbat

July 13th– Rabbi Cameron’s first sermon – Honoring 13 year members on the 13th– 7thgrade Shabbat

July 20th– Tot Shabbat and Ice Cream Social (bring a friend who might want to join!) -–  6thgrade Shabbat

July 27th – Adult Ed Shabbat and Observance of Tisha B’av – Rabbi Cameron’s Second sermon AND Study with Rabbi Cameron after services – July Adult Anniversary and Birthday blessings

Minyan Makers every Saturday and Women’s Torah Study on July 14th

Occupy with me, the best is yet to be,

Rabbi Amy R. Perlin, D. D.