Welcome Hannah Spiro! (October KOL)

We hear you!  We know that you love our services and that you also love to listen to a variety of music.  As a result, we will be bringing Sheldon Low back to services at TBS twice this year (December 7thand June 28th), and will finally have an appearance by Stacey Beyer (March 8th), thanks to the hard work of Donna Courtney, who has wanted to bring her for a very long time.

In addition, to offer not only new music for Friday night, but an increased musical presence throughout TBS, we have a new Artist-in-Residence this year, Hannah Spiro.  Hannah was recommended to us by Cantor Rosalie Boxt, of Maryland.  She grew up in the Reform movement and has been leading and writing Jewish music for most of her life.  She is a graduate of the University of Maryland where she was a song leader and service leader.  Currently, she just began her studies at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, in Philadelphia.  As a lifelong Reform Jew, Hannah really wanted to stay connected to our movement as she studies.  She will be working for us as our Musical Artist-in-Residence even though she is currently a student rabbi.  We hope to give Hannah a memorable year as we serve as her student pulpit.

Hannah will be doing a variety of things for TBS, as she will be with us one weekend a month for the entire school year.  Hannah will sing at Friday services, Minyan Makers, and do RUACH sessions at Sunday School so that our young people can be exposed to new music out there in the Jewish world.  Hannah will also be forming a much requested Teen Choir for Post-B’nai Mitzvah students, and in addition, will be teaching songwriting, and chanting, and be available for different temple groups as time permits during her TBS weekends.  We hope that you will take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to expand your Jewish musical repertoire.

Put the following dates on your calendar and look to your weekly email and future KOLs to see all of the different activities that Hannah will be bringing to our temple community.  September found her at services in the Main Sanctuary and at Minyan Makers on Saturday, at Havdalah and the first meeting of her Teen Choir on Saturday night, and at religious school on Sunday morning.  She will be joining Sam and Rabbi Cameron for some of the family ed programs on the weekends she is here, and on June 1st, she will be having a Coffee House for adults only to share her music and talents.

Please offer Hannah a warm TBS welcome and come out for all of her programs.  We are happy to provide these opportunities and truly want this to be a success.  What we need for that is YOU!

Hannah Spiro Weekends:

September 28-30

October 26-28

November 30-December 2

December 14-16

January 25-27

February 8-10

March 15-17

April 19-21

May 31-June 2

June 21-23

Wishing you a wonderful Sukkot, Simchat Torah, and month of October!

Rabbi Perlin